Salary Support Initiative Campaign for Nafis Program in UAE
UAE Prepares young citizens to enter the era of economic competitiveness based on skills and the latest developments of the era. Development, prosperity, and stability are the tools that move people forward. The economic system based on diversity and partnership between the public and private sectors is essential for the economic future of the country What is the objective of Nafis? The programaims to Create a partnership between the public and the private sectors so that the private sector can become the key driver of the UAE’s development journey Offer equal opportunities in the private sector to attract Nationals, enabling them to occupy 75,000 job opportunities in the sector over the next five years Provide coaching, professional training, mentoring services, and counselling to the programme participants to foster the attraction of the Emirati human resources to the private sector. What are some of the benefits offered by Nafis Emirati Salary Support Scheme: This supports th...